
Singles and albums

Tour Dates

Where you can find us this year

  • 26 October 신해철 트리뷰트 콘서트 마왕 10th 고스트 스테이지-Incheon
  • 9 October 책가옥 / 이성수 Unplugged-용인
  • 22 September The Sub 상상마당 야외무대-Seoul
  • 20 September Sound Attack vol.3 @클럽 벤더-Seoul
  • 31 August 클럽FF 20주년 기념 공연-Seoul
  • 25 August 제67회 라이브클럽데이 | Live Club Day-Seoul
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About us

Vintage and Modern Sound

HarryBigButton is a post-hard rock band formed in Seoul, Korea.
Their music features intense and heavy guitar riffs, distinctive groovy rhythms,
tight arrangements and deep roar of charismatic vocals.

The band, named after a slang term for a cheap, vintage car stereo with chunky big buttons.

In 2012, they began to receive public attention after appearing in a national TV-station KBS “Top Band”.

The first full-length album “King’s Life” was released in October 2012 and was critically acclaimed by worldwide.

Upon the success of their first album, they became one of the most popular Rock band in the major music festival scenes in Korea.

HarryBigButton are an ever-evolving top Korean hard rock band and ready to unleash rock and roll to the world!

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